Caroline’s Monthly Letter – September 2019

Dear Friends,

Enormous thanks to everyone ‘who worked so hard to make the choir’s day at the cathedral such a success. The dean was very impressed with our choir, who sang magnificently, and remarked that there are now very few churches in the diocese with choirs that are capable of leading the formal services offered in the cathedral each Sunday. It’s lovely to have our excellence in these traditional forms of service recognised in the diocese.

While we enjoy “normal” church services, many people today can’t make church services on Sundays or find them totally alien, so we’re introducing two new ways to try to reach them. Once a month a team from church will be delivering dramatised bible story assemblies in school. For many of the children this will be the first time that they have heard bible stories, so please remember to pray for the team, and the children.

On the Third Thursday evening each month I’m introducing a very different sort of service: Breathing Space will have a different theme each month and will offer a chance to reflect more deeply, and engage with interactive “prayer stations” based on the theme, and prayer for healing (or simply sit & let everything wash over you). No sermons, no congregational singing. Everyone is welcome, but I’m particularly hoping that it might appeal to people who are feeling stressed and in need of some peace, that our current services don’t attract, either because of time or structure. The first theme will be Jesus’ words ‘I will give you rest’. Do come along & bring a friend (Or come & try it this month so you know who to invite next time!).

With Every Blessing,
