Caroline’s Monthly Letter – May 2019

Dear Friends,

Our joy in celebration Christ’s resurrection this Easter is marred by news of the terrorist attacks on our brothers and sisters in Christ in Sri Lanka as they gathered to celebrate in Colombo, allegedly, according to some reports, in retaliation for the atrocity in a New Zealand mosque barely weeks before. The cycle of violence continues to grow, and here in the peaceful Welsh countryside it feels as if there’s nothing we can do about it.

What we can do is pray – for all those involved in work to promote understanding between peoples of differing faiths and cultures, for those who work in education teaching children to respect and value differences, for those who work to prevent radicalisation, and for governments and security services.

We celebrate the Resurrection of the one who gave his life freely to bring reconciliation between God and humanity, we should do so by working to promote reconciliation wherever we have the chance.

Best wishes,
