Recent Events

Guilsfield Church Community Prize Draw – Foodbank Cheque

Enormous thanks to everyone who has been supporting our Church & Community Prize draw.

We wanted to find a way to support local people who are struggling with the cost of living with our final donation this year (in the summer we made donations to Guilsfield Guiding and Scouting groups & the Lunch Club), so, on Thursday 7th December, Yvette & Rev’d Caroline have just been to give a cheque for £468 to Rob the manager at the Welshpool & District Foodbank.  Rob told them that they have quite a few service users from Guilsfield. Thank you so much for enabling us to do this.

Open the Book – Monday 11th December

The Open the Book team performed the Christmas Story in School on Monday 11th December.  It was great to have some of the Children volunteer to help out playing the roles of angels and shepherds.  We also able to thank and congratulate all those who took part in the Nativity picture competition, with the one entry being chosen to feature on the front of the Church’s Christmas card and services posters.  A big well done to all those that entered.  We look forward to starting Open the Book again in the New Year.


Messy Christmas – 10th December

We held our Messy Christmas Messy Church in the Old School on Sunday afternoon, 10th December, and had lots of fun making Christmas cards, present boxes, donkey poo, Christmas picture and Christmas table decorations to see how messy the first Christmas. This was followed by a short Christmas worship singing before we all enjoyed a special Christmas tea.

Farewell Party for Yvette & Roy – Sunday 3rd December

On the afternoon of Sunday 3rd December, the Church and Mission Area held a farewell Cake and Mulled Wine party for Yvette and Roy, as they prepare to move to pastures new in Herefordshire. They have held over many years a wide range of church and Mission Area roles, most notably latterly Church Treasurer and Mission Area Leader respectively  As the church heating failed that morning on a particularly cold day, the party was held at the Vicarage, with a wide attendance despite the inclement weather.  They were presented with cards wishing them well and a gift from the Church Choir, as well as there being a special cake. This was followed by an Advent carol service at 6pm celebrating the women in Christ’s genealogy.

Guilsfield Village Winter Fayre

It was wonderful to once again be one of the venues for the Guilsfield Village Winter Fayre on Saturday 25th November.  It was a great success and a pleasure to welcome people in to our beautiful church.  There were refreshments provided in the Church, including cakes, soup and cheese toasties; a big thank you to Maud and her helpers.  The Bell Tower tours once again proved to be popular and in high demand, with the ringers being kept busy throughout the day and, unfortunately, not able to fit everybody in; apologies.  As it was good weather, although a little cold, they were able to take people on to the top of the tower to see the splendid view across the village, towards Rodney’s Pillar and out across the Shropshire Plain.  Although not primarily a fund-raising event, the day resulted in donations of £372.09 towards church funds.  Well done everybody and thank you.

Open the Book – 13th November


We were in school for our monthly Open the Book story assembly on Monday 13th November.  The story this time was called the Annunciation and told the children about how an angel visited Mary and told her the good news that she was highly favoured and going to bear God’s own son.  Much fun was had with the children joining in to raise their arms and shouting ‘Amazing’ every time the word the story.  The lesson from the story was that no matter how much things are scary and don’t make sense, trust in God and remember the message ‘do not be afraid’.

Messy Church – Sunday 12th November

We were pleased to welcome families, both those that have been before and some new, to our Messy Church on Sunday afternoon, 12th November.  The theme was wartime, with activities linked to this such as making pre-fab houses out of thin foam sheets, making barrage balloons and what foods were not available.  The food for the meal was also on a wartime theme with spam, jam and corned beef sandwiches and biscuits and cakes made without eggs and other ingredients scarce at the time.

Open the Book – Monday 9th October

Our Open the Book team were again in school on Monday, 9th October, to perform the story of David and Goliath.  It was lovely to be in school again and meet the new head teacher, Amanda.  We were again grateful for the participation of some of the children in the story and rest of the school were enthralled by the giant and joined by looking up to the sky whenever he was mentioned.


Messy Church – Sunday 8th October

It was good to see more children and families having fun at Messy Church in the Old School on Sunday, 8th October.  We looking at and celebrating the wonder of God’s creation in the heavens and on earth.  Much fun was had making rockets and star-gazing telescopes out of kitchen towel tubes, star pictures using a paint spinning machine pictures using stickers and stencils.  Following a short act of worship including a song with actions and instruments to join in with, there was ‘rocket’ pizza and cake for all to enjoy.

Church Mouse Festival and Harvest 2023

Despite the weather we had a healthy number of visitors to our Church Mouse Festival and Open Tower on Saturday, including the Tanat Valley Cubs and Scouts who were camping at the Scout Hut.  First Prize in Church Mouse Festival was awarded to JJ for her display: ‘The Mouse’s Wedding’, Second Prize to Yvette for: ‘The Guilsfield Church Mouse Choir’ and Third Prize to Maud for ‘Hickery Dickery Dock’.

For more images see:  Pictures from the Church Mouse Festival – Sep/Oct 23.

The Church looked wonderful with the Harvest flowers, decorations and display of food donated by the School for the food bank.  The Harvest Supper on Friday evening was well attended with the usual fun entertainment, with the star turn being the singing by the young Bellamy brothers.


For further images see:  Pictures from Harvest 2023.

Messy Church – Guilsfield on 10th September

messy church

Great fun was had at Messy Church in Guilsfield Old School on Sunday afternoon, 10th September.  

Messy Church is for families, which can be made up of at least one adult and one child, is absolutely free of charge (although donations welcome), has a lot of exciting activities, a short period of worship and a good meal. There is no need to book, families can just turn up on the day.  All families of any shape and size are welcome. There is no need to join anything. Just turn up and have fun!

There were crafts based around the story of Ruth and Naomi, including planting cress seeds, finding food amongst the straw and making little blankets.  This was followed by the story and singing before food!  The afternoon was enjoyed by children, parents and helpers alike.

MA Songs of Praise – 27th August

It was lovely to see people from nearly every church in the Mission Area at the Songs of Praise and picnic at Pool Quay church on Sunday 27th August.  Although the weather was dry, unfortunately, it was not as warm as last year, so we held the service inside this year.  It was wonderful and uplifting to hear people singing loudly their favourite hymns accompanied by Philip Harratt on the newly re-furbished organ until we were all nearly hoarse.  This was followed by a time of fellowship as some braved the weather, which had by now warmed up a little, to eat their picnic, whilst some remained inside.

Cheese and Wine Evening – 26th August

Cheese & Wine Header

There was a Cheese and Wine Garden Party in aid of church funds on Saturday 26th August at the Mill, Guilsfield.  There was a wonderful buffet selection of cheeses to complement the wines and much fun was had playing crochet and other outdoor games on a pleasant evening, although it turned a little bit chilly later.  The evening raised £319.36.  A big thank you to Richard and Frances for hosting it and JJ for organising the cheese and wine.

Bethan and Jonathon’s Wedding – 25th August

It was lovely to see our beautiful church filled with people and colour for the wedding of Bethan and Jonathon on Friday 25th August.  The bells rang out across the village in celebration and we wish them every happiness in their life together.

Science Xplore Workshop – Sun 13th August

Science and fun for all the family. A Science Xplore workshop was held on Sunday 13th August at 2:30 pm in the Old School looking at how God made us all different and individual.  Firstly there was taking finger prints and having a look at the feature of our own by putting one on a balloon and then blowing it up   Then there was having a go at extracting DNA from a strawberry by mashing it up with water, salt and washing up liquid then putting it in a glass and dribbling hand sanitiser down the side of the glass so that it it spread out on top of the strawberry mix.  This resulted in a cloudy white layer developing between the strawberry mix and the sanitiser, which the instructions described as looking like ‘white snot’; see what you think from the photo below.  Finally, we made a DNA double helix model using origami.

Reflective Service – 15th August

Tuesday 15th August- 2.30pm , Guilsfield Church
A reflective service to celebrate the feast of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Led by Caroline & Bethan at Guilsfield church.

Faith, Hope and Love Course

Rev’d Caroline led the Diocesan, five-week, Faith, Hope and Love course at the Vicarage on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm until 14th August.

Guilsfield Show Stall – 10th August20230810_114246

Guilsfield Church took a stall at Guilsfield Show on 10th August.  There were activities for children, including painting prayer stones.  We had a steady stream of visitors to look at the records and pictures of what had been spotted in the churchyard during ‘Count on Nature’ 2023, browse the free booklets and resources available and prayers to the prayer tree.  We took the opportunity to promote our upcoming children’s events such as Science Xplore and Messy Church, as well as our Community Lottery.

Joint Service Eucharist at Pool Quay – 30th July20230730_130946

On Sunday 30th July, the Guilsfield Group of Churches held a joint service at Pool Quay to celebrate both the renewal of the church after substantial repairs and the commissioning of Margaret Hague as a Worship Leader and Pastoral Assistant.  The uplifting service was attended by about 80 people and followed by lunch.  A highlight was hearing the organ playing again after being repaired and completely rebuilt.  For further details and pictures see Pool Quay Renewal Celebration – Jul 23.

Open the Book – Monday 10th July

We were again in Guilsfield School on Monday 10th July to perform our final Open the Book story of the term called ‘The Storm on the Lake’.  The story was about Jesus and his friends being on a boat when a storm started, whilst Jesus was asleep, and his friends thought they were going to drown but Jesus calmed the storm.  It teaches us about trusting in Jesus even when we are worried or afraid and are never alone.  The story was particularly appropriate as the last one of the school year as the Year 6 pupils might be concerned about starting in High School next term.  The Open the Book team presented a book each for all the Year 6 pupils called ‘It’s Your Move’ and took the opportunity to present the Headmaster, Huw, with a card on his impending retirement at the end of term.  It was also the last time our Mission Area Children’s and Families’ Worker will be part of the team, as he starts his training for ministry before the start of next term.

Open the Book – Monday 12th June

We performed the Open the Book story called down ‘Through the Roof’ in Guilsfield School about Jesus healing the lame man who was lowered down by his friends through the roof of the house where Jesus was visiting and teaching.  The children that took part really enjoyed the story that showed the faith of the man’s friends that Jesus would be able to make him well and that Jesus really needed to change his life.  A big thank you to all  those that took part.

Churchyard Count on Nature 2023

We had plenty of visitors to the churchyard during the week 3rd-11th June for Count on Nature 2023.  Some families even going back for a second visit, they enjoyed it so much.  The record of what was recorded can be seen at:  Nature Count records 2023 and this will be submitted to Caring for God’s Acre.  Below are some of the photos taken.

Amie and James’ Wedding – 20th May

It was a pleasure to welcome Amie and James to Guilsfield Church on such a lovely warm and sunny day for their wedding on Saturday 20th May.  It was a privilege for the Choir and Bell Ringers to be able to support them on their special day.  A harpist played for the congregation before the service started and the choir sang ‘Love divine, all loves excelling’ during the signing of the registers before Amie and James processed down the aisle and out in to the lovely May sunshine with the bells pealing out in celebration.

Open the Book – Monday 15th May

The Open the Book group visited Guilsfield School on Monday 15th May to perform the story called ‘Jesus’ Special Friends’. After Peter and the other fishermen had been out all night and caught nothing, Jesus told them to go back out to the deepest part of Lake Galilee and drop their nets again.  They then caught so many fish the boats almost sank.  Peter and his friends then knew that Jesus was very special and when he asked them to ‘come with me’ they left their boats behind and followed him.

MA Joint Service at Forden – 16th April

A big thank you to all those that took part in, contributed to or organised our MA Joint Service on Low Sunday, 16th April.  It was really uplifting to see so many of the churches across the Mission Area represented with more than 90 people packed in to Forden Church for a non-traditional format Eucharist service.  What a great privilege to be present for such a joyful occasion as we praised the Lord together and heard how he is always ready to forgive us, like he did Peter at the resurrection breakfast on the beach.  The story was brought to life by an Open the Book group and and our enthusiastic singing led ably by the brass music group of young people, despite little rehearsal together.  Afterwards, we were able to enjoy fellowship together over coffee and a wonderful selection of cake and treats.

Pilgrimage to Pantasaph Friary

Rev’d Caroline led a small group from Guilsfield and Pool Quay churches on a Pilgrimage to the the Franciscan Friary at Pantasaph on Tuesday 4th April during Holy Week to walk the Stations of the Cross on the hillside above the Friary.  The Stations of the Cross have formed a part of Christian devotion for many centuries because they enable us to actively engage with the path of suffering walked by Jesus.  As Caroline led us in a short service of reading and prayer at each station, we were very fortunate to have a lovely sunny afternoon, which was very peaceful with the birds singing.  For those that reached the top, we were treated to the Spring sunshine lighting up the crucifixion scene.

Church Prepared for Easter

Guilsfield church was prepared for Easter with the altar stripped bare for Good Friday when we remember the crucifixion of Jesus and his death.  We had a lovely and moving Joint Service at Groes Chapel on Good Friday followed by hot cross buns.  There was a beautiful Easter garden at the foot of the Cross in the porch.

Experience Easter

We were very pleased to welcome Years 3 to 6 of Guilsfield School into Church for ‘Experience Easter’, when they were able to take part in six stations where they were able to experience six parts of the Easter story entitled: Hope & Dreams, Servant King, Remember Me, Alone, Suffering & Sorry and, finally, Resurrection.  They were also able to enjoy Angel biscuits and mini Easter eggs.  We hope that this visit brought the Easter story to life in a memorable way for the children.

Open the Book at Guilsfield School – 13th March

The Open the Book team performed the latest story from the Lion Storyteller Bible at Guilsfield School called ‘the Great Escape’ on Monday, 13th March.  It tells how Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and, when the Pharoah’s army were chasing them, God told him to raise his stick to part the Red Sea so that they could escape.

Some of the years 5 and 6 children joined the team, with some playing the part of the Hebrews and others the Egyptian army, which was washed away when the sea closed again after Moses and the Hebrews reached the other side.  The rest of the school acted as the sea with half the school shuffling to the left and half to the right to represent the parting of the sea, with the Hebrews going down the middle.  Everybody seemed to enjoy taking part in this story; a big thank you to all.

Elevenses Pop In Cafe

Our Wednesday Pop-up Cafe moved from 08:45 to ‘Elevenses’ from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon from March.  It will now start after the mid-week Communion service; please see the Elevenses Pop Up Cafe poster for details and put up or share the poster to publicise. Do come along, join us and bring your friends and neighbours; all welcome.

Elevenses Pop Up Cafe

Lent Groups: ‘Great is the Mystery of Faith: Exploring Faith Through the Words of Worship’

Lent Groups were held, see Lent Groups Poster for the lent groups at Guilsfield which are being led by Rev’d Caroline.  The link to the book referred to on the poster is:

Open the Book at Guilsfield School – 13th February

The Open the Book team performed the latest story from the Lion Storyteller Bible at Guilsfield School called ‘the Burning Bush’ on Monday, 13th February.  It tells how Moses a burning bush that did not burn up, then God told him it was a sacred place and that he had been chosen to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt; God turned Moses’ walking stick in to a wriggling snake for him to show the people so that they would believe him.

The children were really fascinated by the burning bush and the snake which suddenly appeared with Diane speaking as the voice of God from behind a screen.  The top class tried to stay behind after the Assembly to see how the snake had been made to work.

Winners – Guilsfield Church and Community Prize Draw

The first winners of our new Guilsfield Church and Community Prize Draw are:

Winners Jan 23

and £67 has been added to the Community Fund pot to be distributed twice annually to local clubs, clubs and good causes, as agreed by the Church Committee.  If you would like to take part, please pick up an application form from church and return to Rev’d Caroline.  There is still plenty of time to get your entry in for the February draw.  The final third of the entry money each month goes towards church funds.

Xplore Science and Faith Workshop – Light

At our first Science and Faith workshop in the Old School on Saturday 4th February, the children were able to take part in experiments and activities around the theme of light.  They were able to work out how to make a simple circuit with battery, switch and bulb that lit up, be amazed out how different household substances and food reacted under ultra-violet light, use invisible ink and make different types of lanterns.  They then heard a story about how Saul was blinded by a great light on the road to Damascus before becoming a follower of Jesus and changing his name to Paul.

On-Line Services – 22nd January

This Sunday’s YouTube service is available now on the Pool Mission Area YouTube channel: Pool Mission Area – YouTube.  This week’s service can also be viewed on the Guilsfield Church Youtube channel at:  It is a short morning prayer-format service led by the Rev’d Bethan Scotford on the theme of being called to discipleship.

Open the Book – 16th January

We performed our first Open the Book story of 2023, the Secret Baby, for the children of Guilsfield School on 16th January.  The story showed the baby Moses being hidden in the bull rushes to escape the Pharaoh’s soldiers and being saved to be brought up by the king’s daughter.

On-Line Services – 25th December

The Christmas Day YouTube service can be viewed from Friday evening (23rd) on the Pool Mission Area YouTube channel: Pool Mission Area – YouTube and on the Guilsfield Church YouTube channel:  It is a short informal service with two seasonal stories and well-known carols for everyone to join in.

Carol Service


It was lovely to see the church full for our service of lessons and carols on Christmas Eve.  Thank you to all who attended and took part.

Guilsfield Singers Christmas Concert – 15th December

20221215_194138Guilsfield Singers returned to Guilsfield Church for the first time in three years due to Covid for their annual Christmas Concert.  The Audience were treated to a very enjoyable programme of religious and secular music ranging from Jingle Bells to works by John Rutter and Mendelssohn, as well as a Welsh song entitled ‘Cwsg’ (Sleep).  This was followed by mulled wine and mince pies.  Despite the cold, there was a good turn out and, this year, the proceeds of £333 were in aid of church funds; thank you Guilsfield Singers.

In the Bleak Midwinter Concert – 9th December

We had a very enjoyable evening concert of seasonal songs, stories legends and poems on Friday, 9th December with Guilsfield Church Choir and friends as a church family to mark the start of our Christmas celebrations.  In addition, donations from the retiring collection raised £87 towards church funds.  A big thank you to Bethan for planning and leading the event.

Rehearsals for ‘In the Bleak Mid-Winter’

Guilsfield Church Choir rehearsing for their evening concert of seasonal songs, stories legends and poems this Friday, 9th December, at 7:00 pm.  By the looks of the outfits, the bleak mid-winter had already arrived in Guilsfield Church.  But, don’t worry, the heating will be on on Friday evening and we should all be comfortable.  Do come along and join us for this jolly event in the company of the Church Choir and friends.  No charge but a retiring collection in aid of Church funds.

On-Line Service 27th November

This Sunday’s YouTube service can be viewed now on the Pool Mission Area YouTube channel: Pool Mission Area – YouTube.   It is also available on Guilsfield YouTube channel and the direct link is:  Rev’d Bethan Scotford preaches on the prophesy of Isaiah about seeing the word of God regarding Judah and Jerusalem. It is a Morning Prayer-style service from St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield, for the the beginning of the church’s new year, the 1st Sunday of Advent.

Quiz and Puddings Night – Friday 18th NovemberQuiz_Pudding 2022 Poster

Thank you to all who attended the Quiz and Pudding Night in the Old School.  Not only did we have a very enjoyable evening but we raised over £300 for church funds.  A big thank you to John Points for devising the quiz; the multi-choice format ensured everybody was able to take part and challenged our observation as well as our general knowledge on a wide range of subjects.  There was an outstanding range of puddings to choose from and there seemed to be at least two choices that tempted everyone, so thank you to everyone who made a pudding; what a wonderful array of treats!

David’s 91st Birthday – 16th November

The Church Choir and others celebrated Choir and Bell Ringer David’s 91st birthday with a tea after Choir practice on 16th November.  There was a wonderful spread and good cheer as well as a cake for David and David didn’t get to eat it all.

Remembrance Sunday – 13th November

It was wonderful to see the church full for the wreath laying on the memorial in church and many people going on to the cemetery for the wreath laying at the war memorial there in the warm Autumn sunshine.  A big thank you to the youth organisations of the village for parading their standards and leading us from the church to the war memorial; it was lovely to see them so well turned out.  Also, thank you to all those who took part and, especially Ossian for playing the Last Post and Reveille.

Tower Pinnacle Repairs – 10th/11th November

Guilsfield Church would like to thank anyone who has already made a donation towards the £3500 cost of urgent repairs to the Church Tower Pinnacles and also to Cadw’s Historic Buildings Maintenance and Repair Capital Grant Programme 2022/23 for their generous and welcome Grant towards this work. The work, carried out by Fogarty High Level Maintenance, has been completed this week and we would like to thank them for carrying out the work and for leaving everywhere nice and tidy.

Thanks to the Grant from Cadw and donations made so far, we have around 82% of the money needed to cover the cost of this work. If you are able to make a donation, however small (or large) you can do so by clicking on the link below.  Thank you.

Pinnacle Repair 1Pinnacle Repair 2

All Souls Joint Service at Pool Quay – Sunday 30th October

Pool Quay All Souls Service

It was wonderful to see every pew occupied at Pool Quay Church for the All-Souls, Joint Service for Buttington, Pool Quay and Guilsfield churches on Sunday 30th October.  There was a long list of names to be read out and most people lit a candle in memory of loved ones.  It was also uplifting to be able to join together and sing hymns to well-known tunes accompanied by a good organist, then enjoy fellowship afterwards over a cup of coffee.  Thank you to Bethan for leading the service and Pool Quay church for their hospitality.

On-Line Service – 23rd October

This Sunday’s YouTube service can be viewed now on the Guilsfield’s Youtube channel and the direct link is:  This week’s service is  a short Morning Prayer-style service from St Aelhaiarn’s Church, Guilsfield, with a reflection on the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector about prayer and the sin of pride.

Guilsfield School Harvest Festival and Church Harvest Supper

On Friday 7th October it was lovely to see the church full to overflowing with children from Guilsfield CP School and their parents for a Harvest Festival led by the children themselves.  There was also a very generous display of food in the Church Porch to be donated to the Welshpool Food Bank.  The collection of £171.60 is to be split between Cancer Research UK and the Church.

In the evening, we enjoyed a wonderful Harvest Supper of steak pies (or alternative), peas and baked potatoes, which was followed by singing and entertainment from the Church choir and a video review of the Church’s year.

Jen and Diana performing a poem at the Supper as ‘Two Old Guilsfield Cows’:

On-Line Service – 25th September

This Sunday’s YouTube service can be viewed now on the Guilsfield Church YouTube channel. This week’s service is a Morning Prayer service from the Lady Chapel at St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield, with a reflection of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and how that is relevant to our lives today.  Alternatively, the direct link is here:

Generosity FIKA Thanks


THANK YOU! to all those who attended the FIKA session last Tuesday, 20th September. We had 15 people present plus Tracey White, and lots of lovely cakes!

Tracey White said :

‘I was really pleased with the turnout.  I am reflecting on how the FIKA could be improved so any feedback would be useful including whether people think a ‘let’s make a plan’ session should be included near the end.’

Coffee Morning – 10th September

A big thank you to JJ and all her helpers for a wonderful coffee morning on Saturday 10th September and to Jessica and Angeline for the plant stall.  Not only were we able to enjoy a wonderful selection of cakes and goodies with our coffee as we sat in the peace of JJ’s lovely garden but over £360 was raised for church funds.

Praise and Picnic at Pool Quay

The weather for the Praise and Picnic at Pool Quay last Sunday 28th August was warm and sunny.  We had a great time singing hymns chosen as we went along, enjoying our picnic lunch and sharing fellowship.   A big thanks to Philip for playing his accordion for the singing and to Caroline for leading the Praise service.  It was really well attended and seemed to be enjoyed by all those attending, so thank you to all that came along.

Praise & Picnic 2

Praise & Picnic 1

On-Line Service – 28th August

The Youtube service from St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield on 28th August was on the theme of the dangers of pride and need for humility.

Bug Hotel Building

Despite the light rain, the first bug-hotel building session on Tuesday afternoon, 2nd August, was enjoyed by all those that attended and resulted in some fantastic new hotels for the Churchyard and to take home.  More bug hotels were made for the churchyard and to take home at another enjoyable, sunny session on Wednesday morning, 10th August  A big thank you to Sheila and John Morgan who led the sessions and to all those that took part.

Bug House Building 2


On-Line Service – 24th July

A Youtube service on the theme of the Lord’s Prayer can be viewed on the Guilsfield Church channel at: . 

Churches Count on Nature 2022 Slowworm

Check out what was spotted in St Aelhaiarn’s churchyard during Churches Count on Nature Week 2022, 5th to 12th June here:  Church Nature Records 2022.  A big thank you to all those that took part.

Donation for Tower and Spire RepairsBottom Shop Cheque

As some of you will be aware, the repairs to the damage caused by woodpeckers to the shingles of the church spire revealed that more work is needed to prevent further deterioration and repair additional damage to the tower and spire caused by the passage of time and the weather.  We were, therefore, very grateful to receive a generous donation from ‘Bottom Shop’ towards this work, which was presented recently to Rev’d Bethan Scotford.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Exhibition of Flowers and Memorabilia

On Saturday 4th June and Sunday 5th June there was a wonderful exhibition of flowers and memorabilia to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  A sample of photographs from the exhibition can be found on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee page.


Music Fit for a Queen – A Celebratory Concert

At a celebratory concert entitled ‘Music Fit for a Queen’ held on Friday evening, 3rd June as part of the Jubilee celebration, Guilsfield Church Choir, with guest flute and trumpet soloists, performed religious music and Guilsfield Singers sang choral pieces to represent a musical tour of the British Isles.  The audience were treated to a wonderful evening of enjoyable and varied music.

Ringing for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Guilsfield Church Bellringers rang two touches of Plain Bob Doubles to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at 11:00 am on Friday 3rd June to coincide with the service at St Paul’s Cathedral.

Jubilee Tree Planting

Jubilee Tree Planting

Kath Summerville, at 105 years, the oldest member of our church congregation, assisted with the planting of a tree adjacent to the sports field for the Queen’s Jubilee.

On-Line Service – 22nd May

This Sunday’s YouTube service can be viewed on the Guilsfield Church YouTube channel:  It is a short morning prayer-style service with hymns on the theme of healing based on Jesus and the paralysed man at the Pool in Jerusalem.

On-Line Service – 24th April

This Sunday’s YouTube service can be viewed now on the Guilsfield Church YouTube channel:  Please note that this is not the usual link or the usual channel.   This week’s service is a morning prayer service with hymns from Guilsfield church, led by Bethan Scotford, with a post-Easter reflection on being witnesses to Christ’s resurrection.

Guilsfield -Joint Good Friday Service with Groes Chapel

Poster Journey to the Cross

Work on Spire – 10th/11th March 2022

Following damage by woodpeckers, the steeplejacks came to replace some of the cedar shingles on 10th and 11th March.  At least four holes were found and the damage caused by the woodpeckers can been seen in these pictures:

Woodpecker Hole in SpireWoodpecker Hole in Shingle

Ukraine Appeal

Our collection for the DEC Charities Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal during week ending 11th March final raised a grand total of £2200, including the match funding by the church and has now been sent to the DEC.  A very big thank you to all those people from the village and church communities who gave so generously.  This money will make a big difference to a number of people.

Ukraine Appeal Poster

Ringing for Ukraine

The tenor bell at Guilsfield church was tolled for 7 minutes in support of the people of Ukraine at 12:00 midday on the 7th day of the war, Thursday 3rd March.  It was very appropriate that the colour of the sallies on our ropes matched those of the national colours of Ukraine, yellow and blue.

Ringing for Ukraine - Bell Ropes

Carols in the Churchyard

Thank you to all those that came out in the rain to the Carols in the Churchyard service on Christmas Eve.  It was lovely to see you all there and hear you singing out the carols.

Carols in the Churchyard 2

Carols in the Churchyard 3Carols in the Churchyard 1

Message regarding the YouTube Services:

Congratulations to Ian

Ian Harrison ConfirmationIan Harrison a member of our choir and congregation at St Aelhaiarn’s was confirmed by Bishop Gregory at Emmanuel Bistre Church, Buckley on Sunday 10th October.  Very many congratulations Ian from all at Guilsfield Church.

Open Gardens 2021

Open Gardens 2021 - TeasOpen Gardens in aid of Guilsfield Church was held on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th September.  We were very lucky and enjoyed good weather over the two days.  A total  of over 80 tickets were sold and together with the sale of teas, cakes and ice creams, as well as the raffle, raised over £1000 for church funds.

Open Gardens 2021 - Guilsfield SingersAlso, enormous thanks to the hard workers, and Guilsfield Singers who made Guilsfield Open Gardens a great success, and to all those from across the MA who supported it. It was lovely to see so many people enjoying themselves in the September sunshine.

A list of the raffle prize winners can be viewed at:  OPEN GARDENS WEEKEND 2021 Raffle Winners.

The Evening Hour – August 2021

‘The Evening Hour’; a time of quiet reflection, meditation and prayer on Wednesday evenings throughout August.  Further details are on the Evening Hour Poster Aug 21.

Earlier Events

Articles on events held in 2020 can be found on the Events in 2020 page, 2019 events on Events in 2019 page, events from 2018 on the Events in 2018 page and 2017 events can be found on the Event in 2017 page or for earlier events follow the links on the Past Events 2013-2017 page.