Caroline’s Monthly Letter – March 2019

Dear Friends,

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 6th March. It is a time to take stock of our lives and think about what might need to change, bad habits we need to kick and good habits we need to get in to.

One good habit for Christians to get into is bible study. Our Lent groups this year will be based on Les Miserables. The bumf on the book says: Through discussion of some of the themes and principal characters of this epic narrative, the ‘course explores the grace of God, alongside our fallen state and opportunities for redemption. It asks us to reassess what we can do with our lives, both for ourselves and for those around us.

We will meet in the Vicarage at either 2-4pm on Monday afternoons from Monday 11th or 7.30-9.30pm on Thursday evenings from Thursday 14th. (The same material will be discussed at both sessions so eg; if you have to miss a Monday one week you could catch up at the Thursday session that week.)

Do come and join us- no previous experience or knowledge is necessary.

With every blessing,
