Mission Statement

To rejoice in our membership of God’s Church and our calling within the Church in Wales.  To recognise that through the activity of the Holy Spirit we are brought into a personal relationship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We commit ourselves to be faithful members of our church, loyal to its leadership and the good shepherd windowstructures.  We desire to enter into the fullness of all God’s gracious gifts to his Church to display the fruit of the Spirit and to exercise the gifts of the Spirit as he sovereignly and freely distributes them for the building up of the Church.  We desire to grow as individuals and Church into the likeness of Christ.

Being dedicated to renewal, we hope that individually, corporately and by open gatherings we can be led by the Holy Spirit to encourage the Church in a worship which expects to encounter the living God, a desire to be caught up into the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the communal expression of a living, loving and serving Church.